MiFi • Ltd

Mobile Intelligent Fast Internet

Making Wireless Happen!

What does Mi-Fi mean?

What does Mi-Fi mean? The definition of Mi-Fi stands for Mobile Wifi. A MiFi is a mobile router, equipped with a SIM-card and possibly a micro SD-card. The MiFi itself connects with a provider of mobile internet. With current broadband solutions you easily achieve high-quality download speeds up to 100 Mbps. Once connectedwith a network provider easily set up a mobile wireless hotspot via the MiFi-router. Share the MiFi-router with a maximum of 10 users. Pay attention to the max. radius of the Mi-Fi (10 meters).
The latest generation MiFi routers have a small size and are light weight. MiFi offers the convenient possibility for anyone who often travels and for anyonewho regularly uses mobile internet in the train, car, boat. Due to its ease of use and its the compact size, the MiFi-router has recently become very popular.